sábado, julho 21, 2007


There was a study on nose-picking published in February of 1995 in the Journal of Psychiatry.

Of the 1000 surveys mailed out, only 254 were completed and returned to the researchers.

* 8.7% claim that they have never picked their nose. (In other words, they are liars or they can't remember doing it as a kid.)
* 91% stated that they had picked their nose in the past and were still actively practicing this habit. Yet, only 49.2% of the respondents actually thought that nose-picking was common in adults.
* 9.2% rate their pickin' as "more than average."
* 25.6% actually pick their noses daily, 22.3% do it 2 to 5 times each day, and three people admitted to doing it at least hourly.
* 55.5% spent 1-5 minutes, 23.5% spent 5-15 minutes, and 0.8% (2 people) spent 15-30 minutes each day cleaning their nostrils. One lone soul claims to devote over 2 hours each day to this ritual.
* 18% reported nosebleeds, while 0.8% claimed perforation of the nasal septum from their nose-picking.
* 82.8% had picked their noses to "unclog the nasal passages", 66.4% had done it to relieve discomfort or itchiness, 35.7% to avoid the unsightly appearance of a booger hanging from their nose, 34.0% for personal hygiene, and 17.2% picked out of habit. 2.1% (five people) claimed to pick solely for enjoyment. To no one's surprise, one perverted person picked his/her nose for "sexual stimulation."
* 65.1% use their index finger, 20.2% use their pinky, and 16.4% use their thumb (must have BIG nostrils to fit a thumb in) as their instrument of choice.
* Most people (90.3%) disposed of the goop in a tissue or a handkerchief, while 28.6% used the floor, and 7.6% stuck it to the furniture.
* 8% of the respondents actually ate the end product. In case you are thinking of trying this delicacy, the study claims that the pickings are quite tasty (salty).

1 comentário:

#1 disse...

Ainda dizem que o nosso projecto é inútil...
Boa viagem e diverte-te ;)